A ditty bag is a bag used to put miscellaneous items, your odds and ends. Some things I keep in mine include lap balm, sunscreen, band-aids, hair ties, and batteries. It is a handy little bag to keep when you are doing anything outside as you can keep your stuff together instead of falling in to the deep pockets of your backpack. They also make a great gift for your friends too!
A step by step video tutorial to guide you through making your own ditty bag. This is a great project for learning how to sew zippers.
You can create a bag at whatever size you wish, and the free calculator below will help you determine how to cut your fabric based on your desired size.
- Fabric Scissors
- Sewing Machine
- Marking Tool (Pencil or chalk)
- Lighter or Candle
- Ruler
- Fabric
- Zipper Tape (#3 zipper is used in video, dimensions can be determined from calculator below)
- Zipper Slider (#3 again, get the same size as the zipper tape)
- 51/2” – 1/2” width Grosgrain Ribbon
- Seam Binding
Buy materials with affiliate link: Ripstop By the Roll.
Use this calculator in combination with the blueprint to determine the measurements for your fabric. There are two calculators- one in inches, and one in centimeters. Input your desired Length, Width, and Height of your finished bag, and the calculator will tell you how to cut your fabric.
(Notes: you may have to do a little bit of conversion for the inches- convert your decimals to fractions. This is one reason why I think working in centimeters can often be easier).
Watch the Video Tutorial: